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Bach Perspectives 11

J. S. Bach and His Sons

Web Companion 5: Schloss Sanssouci (pp. 41–43; Tables 1 and 9, pp. 75, 82)

Yesterday His Majesty the King moved into his exceedingly magnificent Summer Palace, Sanssouci, near Potsdam, entirely newly built, and partook there of a banquet for 200 persons, whereupon a concert was given by the royal orchestra towards evening.

Spenerische Zeitung, May 2, 1747

Figure 1

5.1 (pp. 41–43; Table 9, p. 82): Concert-Zimmer (music salon), room 3, in the apartments of Frederick II, with Silbermann piano and the king's music stand (p. 38) by Kambly. Courtesy of Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg / Photo: Leo Seidel. For the room's location, see the floor plan, 5.2.

     Displayed in a glass vitrine atop the piano is a flute made for the king by Johann Joachim Quantz (ca. 1750). Visible in the background is Antoine Pesne's Vertumnus and Pomona (depicting a scene from Ovid's Metamorphoses) and (upper right) a supraporte depicting Sanssouci palace and its terraced vineyard.


Figure 2

5.2 (pp. 41–43): Schloss Sanssouci, Potsdam, ground level. Floor plan, Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff, 1744. Frederick II's summer apartments (rooms 25), facing the Sanssouci garden, were first habited by him on May 1, 1747. Room numbers follow Nicolai (1786, 3: 1213–17).

Room 1 (center): The Marmoner Saal (marble salon) doubled as a dining space (room A, 1782 inventory)

Room 2 (left): The Vorzimmer, also Vorkammer/Audienzzimmer (antechamber), was a small audience chamber abutting the music salon (see 5.3 and pp. 43, 68)

Room 3 (left): Concert-Zimmer (music salon) (see 5.1 and pp. 41–43)

Room 4 (left): Schlafzimmer (bedroom)

Room 5 (left): Bibliothek (library)


Figure 3a
5.3a. View toward the entrance to the king's music salon. Photo: Mary Oleskiewicz, 2004.

Figure 3b
5.3b. View toward the fireplace. Photo: Mary Oleskiewicz, 2004.

5.3 (p. 43): Vorzimmer (antechamber), room 2, Schloss Sanssouci, Potsdam. Royal chamber musicians and visitors waited here to be admitted to the king's concerts (pp. 43, 68). For the room's location, see the floor plan, 5.2.


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