2.1 (pp. 31–33): Schloss
Rheinsberg, 2nd floor. Floor plan, Georg
Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff, 1737. Crown
Prince Frederick's apartments, rooms 1–7 (plus the unnumbered library in the
round tower); Elisabeth Christine's apartments, rooms 8–12. Room numbers are
labeled according to the 1742 palace inventory. The two round towers (floor
plan, top left and right) face Lake Grienerick. (NB: Due to renovations between
1737 and 1742, the floor plan does not completely align with the rooms of the inventory;
however, the three music rooms numbered here were unchanged).
Room 4 (left): His Majesty's "Music
Kammer" (music salon) in the apartments of Crown Prince Frederick, the future
Frederick II, and the location of C. P. E. Bach's first encounter with
Frederick in 1738. Note the three identifying windows described in the palace
inventory of 1742 (see pp. 31–32).
Room 7 (upper left): Spiegelsaal (Hall
of Mirrors), in the apartments of Crown Prince Frederick. A larger concert hall
at this corner of the palace was destroyed by the creation of a picture gallery
during the 1760s; its details were rediscovered in the course of modern
restoration work, when musical emblems were identified on some of the original walls
(see pp. 32–33).
Room 16 (upper right): Grosser Marmorsaal / Grosser Saal
(Large Marble Hall / Large Hall; see 2.2) (pp. 32–33)